Advertise on Facebook

Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Register as a user on Facebook, if you don't already have an account. While your event or business does not need to have a Facebook presence, you do need to be a registered Facebook user in order to advertise on Facebook.
  • You may want to create a new login ID, and not use your personal account. In particular, if you have someone who you need to submit receipts to, it is much better to set up a new Facebook account so that you don't have to share passwords.


Choose a category and a page name to represent your company or service. A page is a profile for your business. You don't need a Page in order to advertise of Facebook, but most — if not all — big businesses have an established Page. On your Page, you can promote items or services, interact with established customers, and create opportunities to reach new customers.


Upload a logo or picture that you want to associate with your business. Often, this is the logo that people associate with your brand.


Upload a cover photo. This is the first thing that people will see when they view your business's Page. Your cover photo spans nearly the entire width of your Page and, again, should be something that customers might associate with your business.
  • For example, you're making a page for your business, Barbara's Catered Cupcakes. You might want to showcase a close-up of cupcakes, or perhaps a picture of Babara working behind the scenes, baking her wares.


Create a sentence about what your business does.This can also be a slogan of your choice.This goes right beneath the company logo and category. Customers who come to your Page should be able to glean right away what services or products you offer based on this sentence.


Set a web address for your Page. Choose an available web address in order to use on other promotional material.


Begin reaching out to your customers with posts. Posts can be anything ranging from a notice of a summer sale to the announcement of a new product line. Your posts can be in the form of updates, photos, or videos. People who like your product will sometimes see your post show up in their news feed.


Optimize your post. Advertisers have realized that not all posts are created equal. If you want more business driven by Facebook posts, and you want that business to grow in the right direction, be sure to keep the following tips in mind when posting:
  • Keep it short and sweet. According to Facebook, posts that are on the shorter side — between 100 and 250 characters — get about 60% more likes, comments and shares.[1] That's a big difference.
  • Appeal to the visual sense. Not everyone processes information better through words. In fact, a lot of people learn by seeing, tapping their visual sense. Photo albums, pictures, and videos drive engagement on Facebook Pages.
  • Use Page Insights to help you learn. Page Insights is a function that allows you mine your analytics so that you can better reach out to customers.

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